Jiangsu xiangdao Precision Machinery Co., Ltd



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Maintain and repair the knitting machine
 Hits:891 AddTime:2021/11/8 10:55:04
Any kind of machine has a service life. If you want to extend its service life, you need to maintain it correctly. But what kind of maintenance method is correct? Let's learn about its maintenance methods now!
The maintenance of the knitting machine is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is that it needs to be maintained before work. Before starting the machine, we need to confirm that the machine is in good condition. If the machine has problems, and we still use the machine under such circumstances, it will not only make the product quality poor, but also make the machine with problems bear greater losses and make the problems more serious. Therefore, its maintenance work should not only be carried out when it is running, but should be paid attention to before running it.
Secondly, in the process of using the knitting machine, to do a good job in maintenance, we mainly need to do a good job in the maintenance of its parts. In the process of using it every time, make sure its parts are intact. Therefore, its parts need to be maintained regularly. Once it is found that its parts have problems, it is necessary to replace new parts in time. Only by doing this can we ensure its production quality and confirm the integrity of the machine. If there is a strange sound in the process of using it, it may be that its parts have failed. At this time, stop working immediately for inspection and maintenance.
Finally, after using the knitting machine, pay attention to its inspection. Regular inspection and maintenance can solve its small problems in time without developing into big problems. Therefore, in the maintenance work, the task has been correctly completed by preventing the occurrence of problems and avoiding small problems from becoming big problems.
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Add:No.16, nanshenzao industrial concentration zone, Annan Industrial Park, Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province

Jiangsu xiangdao Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.