Jiangsu xiangdao Precision Machinery Co., Ltd



Add:No.16, nanshenzao industrial concentration zone, Annan Industrial Park, Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province


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May I introduce the use of high-speed weaving machines to you
 Hits:363 AddTime:2023/9/13 18:09:59
The purpose of high-speed weaving machines:
High speed weaving machines are mainly used to weave various circular or flat non elastic and elastic ropes, mainly weaving various high-quality products such as ropes, shoelaces, elastic belts, decorative belts, high tensile belts, fishing nets, fishing lines, trailer ropes, ship ropes, curtain ropes, wires, fibers, etc.
Characteristics of high-speed weaving machine:
1. Variable frequency stepless speed regulation, sensitive stop for yarn breakage, synchronous feeding of core and yarn breakage control, low energy consumption and high output.
2. The machine's disk surface is made of special ingredients to improve wear resistance. Key components are treated with special heat treatment methods and ultra precision machining, resulting in a long service life.
3. The machine has high stability in operation, is easy to maintain, and is easy to operate.
4. Small footprint and space saving.
5. The operation of the electrical box panel is simple and easy to understand.
6. Wire materials used: stainless steel wire, copper wire, tinned wire, enameled wire, nickel plated wire, nylon wire, carbon fiber, cotton yarn, and other materials.
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Add:No.16, nanshenzao industrial concentration zone, Annan Industrial Park, Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province

Jiangsu xiangdao Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.